Spring Fever

a lighthouse stands watch over an isolated shore of Lake Superior ~
where the only footprints in the sand are yours…

Some people get winter blues — I call it spring fever, and because of it I’ve had a few weeks of ‘everything block’.

For some reason spring fever hit hard this year. Perhaps it’s lack of sunshine, or Michigan-time, or perhaps it’s only me, growing old — my baby girl turned sixteen just a few days ago!

sweet 16
happy birthday, sweet sixteen!

I can’t begin to say how much I have missed my little blogging hobby; tossing things around in the kitchen and taking a few quick snaps to toss up here online. Then hurrying around to visit you all and marvel at the creations I want to try next!

But enough of that — age is a state of mind and I’m not ready to be old yet šŸ˜‰

To rescue me from my pity-party, a lovely package arrived on Friday.
Dear Nupur, I can’t thank you enough for your thoughtful, beautiful gifts!
Just look at the treats that came my way… am I lucky or what šŸ™‚

treats from near andĀ far
treats from near and far ~ fragrant homemade dry peanut chutney and kolhapuri masala from Nupur’s kitchen, and beautiful little shell toothpicks from Goa!

This was just the nudge I needed to get back into the kitchen.
Needless to say, I am sprouting some matki for an authentic usal/misal dinner, complete with authentic Kolhapuri masala!

While waiting for the sprouts, I tried my hand at rice bread — the only homemade bread I remember from my mother’s kitchen. Mom herself provided the recipe, and the bread came out great. I had to adapt a little to make it work for me — so proportions are not law:

Mom’s Old-Fashioned Rice Bread
Makes one big sandwich loaf or a smaller loaf and rolls

3 c cooked rice, warm
3 TB margarine
3 TB sugar
1 tsp salt
1 c milk, scalded and cooled to warm
2 pkgs yeast (or 5 TB dry bulk yeast)

3-5 c flour

Vegetable oil for rising and greasing pans

Margarine or butter for brushing


Dissolve yeast in cooled milk. Stir well and let sit 15 minutes.

In a large bowl, mix margarine, sugar and salt into warm rice. Add yeast/milk mixture and stir well to combine. Knead in flour one cup at a time. You may require more or less flour. It is important to mix in one cup at a time.

Knead until dough is moderately stiff. This is a difficult dough to knead. The cooked rice provides some moisture but don’t be afraid to add more liquid if necessary. The rice will break up in the kneading.

Once the dough is workable, remove to a bread board or counter and knead vigorously for 8-10 minutes, until smooth. It will take some muscle, and you will still see bits of rice poking out.

rice breadĀ dough
rice bread dough before first rise

Place kneaded dough in an oiled bowl and cover with a clean cloth. Let rise about one hour. Punch down and form into loaf or loaves, and/or rolls. Place in oiled baking pans and cover with clean cloth. Let rise another hour.

rice bread doughĀ 2
rice bread dough after first rise

Bake at 400 F for 30-40 minutes.

riceĀ bread
rice bread and rolls ~ warm from the oven


A day of birdwatching…

little daisy takes in the scene from the sofa at the picture window

goldieĀ in flight
goldfinch taking off…

goldiesĀ sparring
sparring for position…

goldieĀ landing
coming in for a landing…


  1. Aparna said

    Cheer up, Linda. You are only as old as you think you are, though our bodies may remind us otherwise!
    My daughter is almost twelve (though she likes to think she knows everything) and I can still remeber her walking for the first time like it was yesterday!! Look at the bright side – you have a lot more time to spare for yourself to do all the things you wanted to but never had the time for.
    And I just saw another rice bread recipe on another blog. The roll slook great. I now know what to do with my left over rice. Thanks.

    Aparna, thank you šŸ™‚ I know this in my HEAD — it helps to hear it from you too šŸ™‚

    Hope the rice bread turns out great — I think it’s a good leftover recipe yes.

  2. Mythreyee said

    Belated birthday wishes to your dear daughter.

    The cake looks so wonderful, I can see all your love for your daughter in it.

    Rice bread rocks. Its egg less and its just so easy to make. Perfect for a winter evening.

    The photos are just fantastic.

    Hello, Mythreyee dear šŸ™‚

    I never thought of that bread as eggless – you are so right. Thanks for pointing it out — and I am happy you enjoyed the pics šŸ™‚

  3. sra said

    Happy Birthday to your daughter, Linda! Have missed your posts!

    Hi Sra, and thanks — I’ve missed posting too! šŸ˜‰

  4. Shella said

    Belated happy birthday to your dear daughter. The rice bread is so different n I am sure it tasted as yummm as it looks. Great…. these oldies hand over such wonderful things to us…dont they??

    Thank you, Shella — and glad you liked the rice bread. Yes indeed, great to get these old recipes! šŸ™‚

  5. arundati said

    wow!! this is the first time i’ve come across bread from rice….looks fabulous…belated wishes to meagan..and to you!!….loved the pics…my fave is the tabby cat…. cheers!!

    Thanks for your kind words Arundati šŸ™‚ Little daisy-cat loves to watch those birds! šŸ™‚

  6. masalamagic said

    Lovely post Linda! And loevly pictures – hope you’re blues are all gone and u’re feeling better! Nothing like a fun surprise parcel from one of your friends šŸ™‚ Isn’t Nupur sweet! Lovelt rice bread – i can almost smell the aroma here! Thanks to your Amish starter – i’ve been trying my hand at baking more breads and stuff. The pictures are all in my camera – posts will come soon šŸ™‚ Just like u winter blues have hit hard even me this time…cant wait for spring to arrive!
    Cheer up dear and hugs to u!

  7. masalamagic said

    Lovely post Linda! And loevly pictures – hope you’re blues are all gone and u’re feeling better! Nothing like a fun surprise parcel from one of your friends šŸ™‚ Isn’t Nupur sweet! Lovelt rice bread – i can almost smell the aroma here! Thanks to your Amish starter – i’ve been trying my hand at baking more breads and stuff. The pictures are all in my camera – posts will come soon šŸ™‚ Just like u winter blues have hit hard even me this time…cant wait for spring to arrive!
    Cheer up dear and hugs to u! Oh also forgot to wish dear Meagan a very happy belated birthday! 16 is such a lovely age! Hope she has a blast and stays good for mom!

    Hi Latha — don’t you go getting the blues too! We’ll have to meet halfway and cheer each other up šŸ™‚
    I agree, Nupur is a sweetie just like you! I’m so glad you finally got some use from that Amish starter. Once I stopped being intimidated by yeast, it was fun to try my hand at bread. I’m sure yours is wonderful! Thanks for all your good wishes… hugs to you and hurry up, spring! šŸ™‚

  8. Srivalli said

    lovely pictures Linda…was wondering whats up with you…my belated wishes to your daughter…glad you enjoyed nupur’s..they look nice..that bread is a tempter I tell you…how I wish I can have it right now!

    Hi and thank you, Srivalli — I’ll send some rolls over right away šŸ™‚

  9. Asha said

    Hello young girl, good to see you again!! Take as much time as you like and enjoy the your girl. Trisha will be 17 and Tushar will be 13 on March 16th and 14th!! Two teenagers at home.HELP!!!!!!:D
    I hit 44 too recently and Arvind 46 last week, absolutely do not think we are old at all!! Infact, I am waiting for both kids go to college, so we can visit countries around the World. Hahaha!! I know, we are evil!!;D
    Rice bread!! Never saw this in any book so far, looks wonderful, will try.
    I bought those shell toothpicks in FL, $1.00 for 100 toothpicks, made in India!!:))
    Enjoy. Age is a just a number, nothing to do with how we feel. In fact, my almost 17yrs old acts like she is 40 and sometimes she tells me to “grow up”!!!! Haha!!

    haha, Asha, I get the same thing from miss meg! I don’t know why her 16 should hit me — my son will be 20 this summer and *that* doesn’t seem to be an issue! Must be a gal-thing.

    I have a little jar of shells from India via Miami, on my desk at work. These that Nupur sent, however, are the real thing straight from Goa!

    Congrats to Trisha and Tushar on upcoming b’days, and happy belated ones to you and Arvind! What a rush of birthdays you have in your family! We have that too, with me, my mom, my daughter and a few others all in a row. Like my son says, it’s that birthday time of year šŸ˜‰

    Have a great day, Asha šŸ™‚

  10. shammi said

    Rice bread! Wow! It looks great and I know I’ll be trying it soon! I love ALL your nature pics – you’re so good at it… but then again, you have such gorgeous views to work with šŸ™‚ Way to go, Linda!

    Hey Shammi, happy to see you! Thanks so much — I’m glad you liked šŸ™‚

  11. bhags said

    You seem gotten really friendly with your camera….those are such beautiful pics linda.
    the rice bread looks so warm and delicious.
    Belated happy bday to your daughter……and enjoy your gifts, they look really fun

    Learning the camera little by little, Bhags — thank you! šŸ™‚

  12. Mishmash! said

    Hey Linda…belated b’day wishes to your lil/young girl:) And , “age is a state of mind and Iā€™m not ready to be old yet” quite well said šŸ™‚ My bread making skills are pathetic….but i am not ready to give up too šŸ˜€

    Thank you Shn… I am sure you’re far beyond pathetic! If I can make bread, surely you can! šŸ™‚

  13. richa said

    good to see ya back Linda, Happy B’day to ur dotr!
    those rolls look so good & lovely pics!

    Thanks so much Richa, on all counts. Glad to see you too šŸ™‚

  14. Suganya said

    Linda, too many things going on in this post. Let me first wish your daughter a Happy B’day. I envy you and your cat for bird watching from your window.

    I know Suganya — I tend to go off on tangents like that šŸ˜‰ Thanks šŸ™‚

  15. bee said

    a happy birthday to your daughter, and wishing the winter blues away.

    Thank you dear Bee — she had a great b’day and the blues, well… just have to work it on out! šŸ™‚

  16. indosungod said

    Happy Birthday to Megan and Hugs to you. Young at heart is what we want šŸ˜‰
    The bread rolls look so warm and comforting. Packagaes do cheer the day šŸ™‚

    Family feel sick and then it was my turn, slowly getting back to normal.

    Hugs to you ISG, and sending a big pot of your wonderful kollu rasam to cure what ails you!
    Hope you’re all feeling better now šŸ™‚

  17. VegeYum said

    The photos of the birds are so wonderful.

    I’m so glad you enjoyed them! šŸ™‚

  18. Aparna said

    I used your recipe (well, changed a couple of little things) and made the rice bread. It turned out wonderful. Thanks.
    My effort is posted on my blog, please do check it out.

  19. Melissa said

    I tried your bread recipe, it is actually going in the oven quite soon, but I noticed that 5 TB of yeast seemed a bit high, I put it in anyways and then noticed that you said or 2 packets.. which I think actually comes out to 5 teaspoons… so I hope my super yeasty bread turns out ok. It doubled in bulk in about 20 minutes, so I punched it down… it might be a disaster, but I think I’ll try cooking it anyways! Thanks for the recipe, I’ll have to try it again with only 5 teaspoons… I have LOTS of leftover rice I want to use up. I thought I’d put in a comment so you could edit the post and save others some from making the same mistake I did.

    Thanks for pointing that out, Melissa. I’ll double check mom’s recipe. It seems like alot, but the dough was *really* dense so it may be correct. How did your batch turn out?

  20. […] However, making bread with leftover rice is something new to me. So I was surprised to come across a recipe for baking bread with leftover rice some time […]

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