What Shall I Cook?

veggie find!



  1. Asha said

    HUH!!! What is that?!:))

    It’s what Sailu and Krithika said, Asha 😉 I have also since learned a few other names for this cucumber. Will have to put them all in the post when I cook it 🙂

  2. Coffee said

    is that pumpkin/squash?????

    Hi Coffee — it’s dosakai/vellarika. It *looks* like a squash doesn’t it? 🙂

  3. sailaja said

    Nakka Dosakai/Yellow cucumber

    I figured you would know, Sailaja! That pickle of yours is very tempting… 🙂

  4. krithika said

    This is Dosakai.

    Krithika, you knew too! 🙂 It was a surprise to find it at the store this weekend.

  5. indosungod said

    If it indeed a cucumber, I have seen smaller ones but never this big, I shave of the skin, sprinkle sugar on top, yum or juice it add sugar tastes wonderful. I have never made curry out of this vegetable/fruit!

    I still haven’t decided what to make with it, ISG. But I’ll have to make up my mind tomorrow — before it is overripe 🙂 Sugar on cucumber sounds great!

  6. MeltingWok said

    Is that a winter melon or an old cucumber, I’m not sure. If its a melon, my mom usually scoop the meat out, fill the center with chinese virginia ham, seafoods and veges, and chicken broth and steamed to a perfection. If that’s an old cucumber, I usually diced it up and cook with pork rib soup. Oh yummy 🙂 Can’t wait what u gonna do, cheers !:)

    Sounds like your mom is a great cook too, mw –both ideas sound delicious! Will cook this one up very soon 🙂

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